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Onderzoeken en publicaties:
Pol, A van de. : Rouw bij tweelingen, afstudeerscriptie 2008.
-Ainslie, R. C. (1985). The psychology of twinship. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
-Balk, D. (1983). Effects of sibling death on teenagers. The Journal of School Health, 53, 14-18.
-Bank, S. P., & Kahn, M. D. (1982). The sibling bond. New York: Basic Books.
-Boomsma. D.I.: Tweelingenonderzoek. Wat meerlingen vertellen over de mens. Amsterdam, VU, 2008
-Brandt, R.W. Ph.D., Ed.D. : Twin loss.
-Bruner, Joan S. LCSW Remembering To Heal
-Bryan, E. M. (1983). The nature and nurture of twins. London: Bailliere Tindall.
-Bryan, E. M. (1991). Support for bereaved families of multiple births. Pre- and Peri-natal Psychology, 5, 343-346.
-Bryan, E. M., & Hallett, F. (1997). Bereavement: Guidelines for professionals. London: Multiple Births Foundation.
-Bryan, E. M., & Higgins, R. (2002). Introduction. Twin research. The official Journal of the International Society for Twin Studies, 5, 146-147.
-Case, B. J. (1983). Living without your twin. Portland, OR: Tibbutt Publishing.
-Case, B. J. (1991). We are twins, but who am I? Portland, OR: Tibbutt Publishing.
-Chamberlain, D. The Mind of your Newborn Baby, North Atlantic Books, 1998.
-Davies, B. (1988). Shared life space and sibling bereavement responses. Cancer Nursing, 11, 339-347
-Engel, G. (1975). The death of a twin: Mourning and anniversary reactions: Fragments of 10 years of self-analysis. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 56, 23-40.
-Hays, J. C., Gold, D. T., & Pieper, C. E (1997). Sibling bereavement in late life. Omega.” Journal of Death and Dying, 35, 25-42.
-Kaprio, J: Implications of co-twin dependence for twins, Department of Public Health University of Helsinki
-Kemp, H. (1999). Grieving the death of a sibling or the death of a friend. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 18, 354-366.
-Klein, B. Not All Twins Are Alike: Psychological Profiles of Twinship. Praeger Publishers, 2003.
-Laan, O van der. Identieke tweelingen telepathisch verbonden. De Stentor, 2007
-Noble, E. (1983). Foreword. In B. J. Case, Living without your twin. Portland, OR: Tibbutt Publishing.
-Parkes, CM.: Bereavement: Studies of Grief in Adult Twin Life.Madison CT (USA), International Universities Press, 1977.
-Pector, E. A. (1998, Spring). Thoughts on parenting a twinless child. Twinsworld. Retrieved May 28, 1998, from parentingtwinless.htm
-Pector, E. A. (2002). Twin death and mourning worldwide: A review of the literature. Twin Research, 5, 196-205.
-Playfair, G.L.: Tweeling telepathie. Deventer, Ankh-Hermes, 2002.
-Ream, S. L. (1998). Decrease in grief intensity for deceased twin and non-twin relatives: An evolutionary perspective. Personality and Individual Differences, 25, 317-325.
-Segal, N. L., Wilson, S. M., Bouchard, T. J., & Gitlin, D. G. (1995). Comparative grief experiences of bereaved twins and other bereaved relatives. Personality and Individual Differences, 18, 511-524
-Segal, N. L. (1997). Twin research perspective on human development. In N. L. Segal, G. E.
-Segal, N. L. (2002). Psychobiological and evolutionary perspectives on coping and health characteristics following loss: A twin study. Twin Research, 5, 175-187.
-Segal, N. L., & Bouchard, T. J. (1993). Grief intensity following the loss of a twin and other relatives: Test of kinship-genetic hypothesis. Human Biology, 65, 87-105.
-Segal, N. L. (1998b). Gender differences in bereavement response and longevity: Findings from the California State University Twin Loss Study. In L. Ellis & L. Ebertz (Eds.), Males, females, and behavior. Toward biological understanding (pp. 195 212). Westport, CT: Praeger.
-Segal, N. L., Sussman, L. J., Marelich, W. D., Mearns, J., & Blozis, S. A. (2002). Monozygotic and dizogotic twins’ retrospective and current bereavement-related behaviors: An evolutionary perspective. Twin Research, 5, 188 195,Surviving Twins. Journal of Counseling & Development, 2005
-Shave, B and J. Ciriello: Identity and intimacy in Twins. I Westport CT (USA), 1983
-Tomassini, C., Rosina, A., Billari, F. C., Skytthe, A., & Christensen, K. (2002). The effect of losing the twin and losing the partner on mortality. Twin Research, 5, 210-217.
-Waard, F. de. Over tweelingen gesproken. Soesterberg, Aspect, 2000.
-Weisfeld, & C. C. Weisfeld (Eds.), Uniting psychology and biology (pp. 145-174).Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
-Wilson, L. R. (1995). Differences between identical twin and singleton adjustment to sibling death in adolescence. Journal of Psychological Practice, 1, 100-104
-Withrow, R and V.L. Schwiebert: Twin Loss: Implications for counselors working with surviving Twins. Journal of counseling & development, 2005
-Woodward, J. (1988). The bereaved twin. Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemelloglogiae: Twin Research, 37, 173-180.
-Woodward, J. (1998). The lone twin: Understanding twin bereavement and loss. New York: Free Association Books.
-Woodward, J. (2002). Panel discussion at The Symposium on Twin Loss. Twin Research, 5, 150-152.
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